“President Thomas-Felix has been able to combine her extensive practical and rich experience at the Industrial Court for so many years, and her well-known legal expertise, to produce a book that is so much needed, not just for Trinidad and Tobago but the entire region. This is a truly timely and treasured text. It’s of immense practical value to all involved in the field of industrial relations, including lawyers, trade unionists, employers, teachers, researchers…right across the region. A must read!”


- RUGGLES FERGUSON, President, Organization of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations


“One of the first of its kind in the Caribbean, this unique book highlights critical areas in industrial relations and illustrates several cases on labour law which provide clarity and guidance to anyone seeking to better understand the practice of industrial relations in the Caribbean.

This is definitely a ‘’must-have” resource material for attorneys-at-law, industrial relations practitioners, human resource specialists and aspiring professionals in the field of industrial relations.”


- ANCEL G. ROGET, President General of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union, President of the Joint Trade Union Movement and Caribbean Sub-Regional Coordinator of the Industrial Global Union


 “Lots of books claim to provide strategies and solutions to Human Capital issues and challenges. This book was written by one of the finest minds on the subject in this jurisdiction and offers a hands-on, practical guide to help you make better and more informed choices.  It is highly recommended to both the lay person and practitioners in the business.”


- KESTON NANCOO, Chairman, Employers Consultative Association of Trinidad & Tobago


 “The Distinguished President of the Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago has done the country and our region a great service in writing and publishing this important work. A just and fair working environment requires transparent laws, robust systems and just and fair adjudication. The contribution of the Thomas-Felix Court to the evolution of industrial relations jurisprudence is noteworthy and deeply appreciated; and the lessons needed to be documented.”


- ANDRÉVINCENT HENRY PhD, Director, Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operative Studies


 “A compelling, detailed book on the intricacies of Labour Law and Industrial Relations.”


- KIRAN H. SINGH, President, the Greater San Fernando Area Chamber of Commerce


"President Deborah Thomas-Felix, in her relatively short time at the helm of the Industrial Court, has led the way in bringing about much needed innovation and modernization to an institution that is so critical to ensuring industrial relations stability in Trinidad and Tobago. Her Honour has applied her impressive combination of knowledge, skills and experience to breathe new life into the Court and to enhance its reputation and relevance to industrial relations practitioners on all sides of civil society. Her book will undoubtedly serve as an essential guide for all in the field for years to come."

- GERARD EMILE PINARD, CEO, Zapotek Solutions inc., Management Consultants